Working with forms

Submit information to a sheet

The Form Button opens a separate page where users can submit information to your Google sheet. Glide can also submit data about that user, such as the user's email address and the date/time of submission.

Below you can see that after the user submits a form, Glide automatically populates that user's email and the date/time of the submission.

Setting up a form

Adding the form button

Add the Form Button to any details page like you would with any other component. To access and customize the form itself, click on the Form Button and you'll be taken to the forms page with its own list of components and values. Glide will automatically add components based on the data in your sheet.

Collecting submissions

At the top of the components panel on the right, there is a box which allows us to select the sheet that the form will write data to.

If we keep the same sheet that our list items are in, then any form submissions will get populated on that sheet.

If you don't want that to happen then create a separate sheet for form submissions and then select that sheet instead.

Configuring forms

Types of data

Forms can submit three types of data.

  1. Data the user enters (EDIT COMPONENTS)

  2. Data about the submission (SPECIAL VALUES)

  3. Data from the parent item (COLUMNS)

Default Values

You can set a default value for each item in your form. This allows you to pre-fill each entry with data to avoid blank entries in your forms.

Adding special values

In the example below, add the User's email address and Current date/time special values and make sure they are bound to the correct columns in our sheet.

Adding column values

In the example below, a user clicks on an item (Dog) and submits information about it, but in our sheet, it's not clear which item the user was referring to. We could add a field for them to fill out saying which item they are referring to, but it's a bit annoying for them.

Instead, we can get Glide to populate this data for them using column values.

Required fields

You can make certain fields required and force users to add information in them before they can submit the form. To make a field required, click on the edit-component and tick the box 'Required'.

Non-edit components

You can add non-editable components in your forms to enhance the form experience. In the form below, a Text component simply displays a note to the user and this is not editable and does not get submitted along with the form.

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