Adding & Editing

In Glide Apps, you can simply enable Adding or Editing, and this will appear as an option in the top right of the app.

However, in Glide Pages, you have to use Actions. This introduces a few extra steps but creates more room for customizability and power.

The two actions you'll need are Show Edit Screen and Show Form Screen.

Show Form Screen

Show Form Screen can be used to send data to any table in your project (for example, a 'Contact Us' form). You can therefore use it to allow users to add items within Collections.

For example, in the image above 👆 we've added Show Form Screen action to our collection, and changed the title of the button to say 'Add Contact'.

Once we trigger that action in Glide, we can then configure that Form Screen and make sure that its destination is the same source as the contents of the Collection. This will create the functionality of an 'Add to Item' button on our collection.

Show Edit Screen

The Show Edit Screen action can be added to lots of different components. In the following example we have added an Action to our Title Component with the action Show Edit Screen.

Form Style

Under the CONFIGURE ACTION, and under Target, we can choose one of four options which will affect the way the form is displayed. Here are the four options we can choose from:

  • Small overlay and Large overlay is pretty clear. It will open the screen as a small or large overlay.

  • Main replaces the main screen. So if you already have an overlay screen open and open a screen with Main, the overlay will close, and the Main screen will be the new screen.

  • Current means open it as whatever the current screen is. So if you’re on the main screen, it will replace the main screen, but if you’re in an overlay, it will replace the overlay.

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