Project reload issues

Sometimes you may receive an email from us explaining that Glide is having problems accessing your data source or reloading your project. Below is some more detail about these potential issues and what you can do about it.

No access

Unless you use Glide Tables you have to pick your data source when you create a new project. This gives Glide access. However, sometimes Glide may lose this access. To remedy the problem, you can go to your settings and replace the data source with the same file to re-enable permissions. If the data in your source hasn't changed since you lost access - this should restore things to normal.


Sometimes you might be informed that your data source has become incompatible with your project. In other words, columns and data that were tied to components no longer exist in your source and so Glide cannot display them accurately.

When you open your project in Glide and click "Reload sheet", you'll be able to review the issues. Here you can 'Remove features & sync' – which will remove the components tied to those columns.

Alternatively, if you remember or can restore the structure of the data exactly – do so and then reload the your data source. Glide should be able to find those columns and sync as normal.


Sometimes reloads of projects will timeout when the data source is very large. Generally speaking, 25,000 rows is the upper limit of performance for Glide projects — although we are working on increasing this. Try to delete data in the data source that's not used in the app, as well as empty rows and columns.

Too Many Requests

The cause of this is that Glide may be hitting your data source's request limits. This could be temporary and caused by a variety of things. If it persists, please get in touch with us.

Oh Sheet! Error

There are times when you may also encounter an Oh Sheet! Error. When this happens, you can follow the steps below:

Delete Empty Rows and Columns

To solve this problem, log out of your Glide account. Open your Data Source and delete all empty rows and columns from each tab linked to the app. Log back into Glide and try the reload again.

Other Fixes

For unknown reasons to us, sometimes a Data Source may revoke access permissions to one of your files. This will mean that your project can't get at it via the API.

There are two ways to fix this:

  1. Make a copy of the data source file, go into Glide and go to Settings/Data Sync Data Sources and change it to that new file.

  2. Create another project selecting that data source. This should reset the permissions on that file. Your original project should now be able to access the data and you can delete that temporary project that you just created.


It's not clear what the cause of this issue is. If it persists, please get in touch with us at

Last updated