Basic Table Component (Apps)

Group values in a simple table

The Basic Table component is a great way to display long lists of information found in your app. Instead of displaying data vertically, we can summarize all the information in one single table.

Tables are perfect for displaying purely informational data. You cannot merge or display action texts, buttons or images with a table.

Adding & Configuring

We start by adding a Table component from our component list. After adding the component, we can then configure each row and add more rows as needed.

There are only two columns available for the table component. We can either use a custom text for each cell or we can also choose to display data from any column in our sheet.

The Basic Table also allows us to set a Title and a Footer to provide more information about the table.

We can also choose a relation as the source for one of the rows. For example - below we add a relation showing all the products in the store related to a certain brand.

Re-ordering rows

We can re-order basic table rows by clicking and dragging on the left-hand side of each row in the configuration panel.

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