File Picker Component (Apps)

The File Picker component allows users to upload files to our app. These files are converted to links that we can then display in our app.

This is perfect for uploading documents such as Word files or PDFs.


We can add the File Picker component to any Details screen. Once we add the component, we have to configure the Data column by selecting the column where we want to links to be stored.

If a user exits the app or the screen while the file is uploading, note that the file may not be uploaded properly.

Storage Limit

Files are uploaded to Glide’s server and there is a storage limit based on your app’s current plan.

  • Free apps have 100MB file storage with a maximum individual file size of 10MB

  • Basic apps have 2GB file storage with a maximum individual file size of 10MB

  • Pro apps have 10GB file storage with a maximum individual file size of 1GB

Check Glide's pricing guide to know more about the different plans available.

Last updated