Template Store

The Template Store lists pre-built apps by members of the community. Some of these are paid and many of them are free.

Why should I use a template?

Starting with a template can save you a huge amount of time when you're trying to build an app. If you find a template that's close to what you need you can copy it and customize it for your needs.

You might even find a template that's perfect for what you want and doesn't need customizing. All you'll need to do then is change the data that's contained in it to your own.

How do I submit a template to the store?

Check out our review guidelines and pricing guide and then visit Settings/General in your app and click Submit to Template Store. We only submit apps that are unique or differentiated in some way, so it's worth checking to see if someone has already made an app like yours before submitting.

I want to allow only certain people to copy my app

You can do that! Check out our docs on copy app as template. This lets people with the link copy the app but doesn't submit it to our template store.

Last updated