
The Layout area of Glide can be broken into 5 core areas.


Tabs is where you manage the tabs in your app. You can add, edit, delete and configure tabs and you can also drag them into the App Menu.


The Screen section is where you manage the components on that screen. Click on a component to edit it and click the plus icon to add a new component. You can also re-order and delete components here.

Tip → When you see a dropdown arrow in Glide, very often you can collapse that area to make the interface cleaner, or to give yourself more room. 👇


Within the layout area of Glide, next to the 'Screen' tab you have another tab called 'Data'. This is different from the Data Editor. The Data Editor shows you all of your data. The Data Tab shows you the data for the current screen.

In the image above 👆, you can see we're viewing a record (row). In the Data Tab, we see that row displayed vertically. This can be confusing at first, but compare it with the highlighted row in the sheet below 👇 and it will start to make sense.

The Data Tab is editable, so you can actually interact with your data without even visiting the Data Editor. You can also add new columns and change their type.

Device preview

The device preview area contains a number of features that let you interact with your app – both as a user and as an app developer.

  1. The device itself.

  2. The dropdown within the Layout icon allows you to change the device width & OS.

  3. The preview as dropdown

  4. Undo/Redo

  5. Play mode & select mode lets you toggle between interacting as 1) a user and then 2) as an app developer – allowing you to select and configure components with the mouse without triggering them like a normal user.

  6. If you right-click or ctrl-click anywhere in your device, you'll bring up a contextual menu.

Configuration panel

The area on the right of the layout screen is all to do with configuration and it changes depending on your editing context.

Knowing what context you are in is important. To help you understand this, there is a breadcrumb menu at the top.

In the GIF below, watch how the breadcrumb menu (top right) changes to show you where we currently are in our editing context.

Within the configuration panel, many different things will appear, depending on your context. You will usually see 2 or 3 different tabs within the panel. These typically follow the pattern of General, Options and Form.

Last updated