Quick Start!

Publish your first app in under 5 minutes

Getting a custom app or web page that you've made onto your phone or computer or into the hands of your team is an exhilarating feeling. With Glide, you can build and share in two simple steps; in under five minutes.

Here's how: 👇

Step 1: Copy a template

The easiest way to get up & running is to copy a Template. We're going to start with the Task Tracker template. You'll find this in the list of sample templates at the bottom of your Dashboard – just click the plus (+) icon to copy, or you can preview the app by clicking on the eye icon.

Step 2: Send the app to your phone

Before we customize the app, we're going to get it on your phone. This is the coolest thing about Glide apps – how easy they are to share & update. 😎

You can scan the QR code above with your phone, text the link to yourself, or use your email address to receive the 'Magic Link'. If you don't see this screen, just hit Share at the top of Glide.

🏠 Add the app to your home screen

If you visit that link on your phone, you'll view your app in your phone's browser. However – we want to add it to our home screen, just like a regular app. It's as simple as shown in this video 👇

Step 3: Make a change

There's so much you can do to customize your app. The best place to start is the Settings area. Here you can change many things about your app with a single click. Here are some suggestions for your first change.

  • Change the THEME & ACCENT COLOR

  • Upload your own app ICON

  • Change the Privacy Settings of your app if you want other people to access it

There's a lot more to building apps with Glide, and we've only just started on your journey. You can check our university or click on some of our resources below to learn more.

We can't wait to see what you build!

Next steps:

🍿 Watch our Introductory Course to learn the essentials in under 10 minutes. 😄 Visit our awesome community and see what people are making. 🎓 Learn to Glide through Videos 📱 Visit the Template store to get app inspiration! ⚡️

Last updated